

Look No Farther Than Texas

Look No Farther Than Texas

October 25, 2019

Texas is often considered a national example for lawsuit reforms because—through 25 years of diligent work—we have successfully addressed many of the lawsuit abuses that plague other states.

But one person’s example is another’s cautionary tale. At least, that’s what some Louisiana personal injury trial lawyers want you to believe.

A fundraising pitch for the trial lawyer-backed governor of Louisiana, who is in a runoff for reelection against a business-minded candidate, spells it out:

“Whether you represent plaintiffs or defendants, if the drastic tort reform efforts proposed by the opponents of Governor Edwards are enacted as law, the legal community will shrink dramatically, a fact that will impact all of us. If you do not believe me, call any attorney in Texas. Or should I say, call an insurance agent or used car salesman in Texas who used to practice law.”

Never mind the fact that Louisianans pay the highest auto insurance rates in the nation because of out-of-control lawsuit abuse. As a local news station reported:

“…Louisiana is more litigious than any other state. In 2016, lawyers filed 3,300 auto liability suits in Orleans Parish. That amount is higher than Miami and Austin.

Factoring in population, the numbers are even more staggering. Lawyers in Oakland California filed 108 auto suits per 100,000 people. In Miami, it is 110 suits per 100,000 people, 169 in Austin, 234 in Houston and 275 in Dallas. New Orleans is the outlier with 853 auto suits per 100,000 people.”

The only thing that might be regarded as “drastic” if lawsuit reform was to take root in Louisiana is how much money people would save if the abusive lawsuits were curbed, like they have been in Texas.

It wasn’t long ago unscrupulous personal injury trial lawyers had a stranglehold on Texas. It’s the reason TLR was created 25 years ago. Back then, we met with similar opposition. 

The good news for our neighbors to the east is that change can happen. Courageous legislators can enact principled reforms to shut down abusive lawsuits. Look no farther than Texas—once known for its jackpot justice, but today, an example of what happens when common sense prevails over the agenda of the personal injury trial lawyers.